Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So why do I want to write about fitness? I'm not a personal trainer or even a long time enthusist. I didn't major in exercise science. There is a simple answer. I find my experiences at Gazella to be interesting, useful and inspiring and I thought if this was the case, there might be other people out there who think the same.

Who out there doesn't want to build their confidence, get results and have more energy???

I will start with CONFIDENCE. I feel more comfortable wearing close fitting clothing. There are muscles now actually holding my stomach in. When I'm walking up steep hill I can feel the muscles in my legs working to give me momentum. I like being able to see how far I progressed and how much easier it is for me to do certain excersizes, than when I first started.

RESULTS. Its very simple if you keep at, you will see them! Some people see them faster than others, which is why we tend to give up too soon.. Don't give up, keep going. I have and I am proud of my results.

ENERGY.Since at Gazella's, I find myself searching for new ways to be active, rather than getting bored and quitting. I know I have found something thats made a positive difference in my life.

There are people who get up ultra early in the morning to attend different classes before work, people who run a 10K or train for a marathon, people who spend hours at a time on a bike. The advantage of noticing all these options is that there are so many of them to choose from and you don't have to try them all or even be good at them. The important thing is that you make the "EFFORT".

This new session I want to vamp things up a bit, and thanks to the trainers at Gazellas, I'm starting smart. I have joined the OST (off season training) program with Reem. This program runs for 6 months and is designed to give you the training you need in the off season to compete in triathalons, duathalons and/or cycling events in late spring through early fall. It is a progressive program, welcoming all levels of athletes.

I look forward to seeing new faces in this program.