Friday, May 6, 2011

Tammy's Story

At a recent routine check-up, completely unaware of any health issues, I found myself leaving there with a prescription for cholesterol meds and another appointment for a stress test at the age of 42. With heart disease being a long time family nuisance, I have decided to make a real change in my life. I am currently in week 2 of training with Gazella's Studio and they are leading me in the right direction. Not only teaching me to make excersize and diet a habit but helping me to keep a positive attitude while achiving my goal. I have put all my trust in Gazella with helping me to make these new life style changes. Even though I find myself stumbling around in the workouts and feeling a little self-conscious, consistant encouragement from the trainers keeps me going and remembering what brought me here in the 1st place. If feels good to say that I have finally declared an end to poor health. With that being said, I hope you join me on this journey and always feel free to advise and motivate me.

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